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BPI Conference

Join CuriRx at BioProcess International Conference & Exhibition 2019

BPI is the largest event bringing you the science, technologies, and partners needed to accelerate promising biologics towards commercial success. As a leading CRDMO in Massachusetts with rich experience in the biopharmaceutical industry, CuriRx is always an active contributor and member of BPI. References by CuriRx are eligible to receive an extra 10% discount to attend the BPI Conference & Exhibition coming up on September 9-12, 2019, at the BCEC in Boston. Join CuriRx at

CuriRx- BioProcess International Conference Workshop

Curirx will hold an informational workshop for BioProcess International attendees and invited guests. Workshop time: 9:30 am-1:30 pm September 10, 2019 Workshop location: CuriRx, Inc 205 Lowell Street Suite #1C Wilmington, MA 01887 More information can be found on the link below and this educational event requires registration: https://get.knect365.com/bioprocessinternational/curirx/ For event questions, please email  info@curirx.com.

Director of R&D at CuriRx was Invited as a Guest Speaker at International Pharma Research & Drug Delivery Summit 2019

Pharma Research & Drug delivery Summit (IPRDS 2019) is the leading platform bringing together all professionals, industry experts and academia in Pharmaceutics & formulations, Drug development and Delivery. IPRDS 2019 creates a unique platform to discuss the challenges and showcase the latest technologies in formulation and drug delivery to improve solubility, stability and bioavailability of Drug, enhance the drug design and fasten the Drug development process. Kaliappanadar Nellaiappan, CuriRx inc, Learn from formulation, development and Drug

Use of Cyclodextrin as a Novel Agent in the SEC-HPLC Mobile Phase to Improve HPLC Method

  Introduction   The latest publication from the CuriRx team illustrates an improved HPLC method to ensure better analyses and better separation of peaks regarding theoretical plate, peak width, height, symmetry, and mitigating impurities’ interaction with the column. Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11095-018-2446-x Abstract Purpose Accurate quantification of the intact proteins, antibodies, or peptides and their impurities without interaction with silanols of the HPLC column. Methods Hydroxypropyl ß Cyclodextrin (HPCD) is added in the mobile phase at different